Facts and Figures

  • 17’500 kilometres is the distance every person in Switzerland will travel in public places in 2020 – where they will be able to experience Out of Home advertising. Out of Home is the media of the future.
  • 16 percent of Swiss advertising expenditure is invested in Out of Home advertising. And this figure is rising. Thanks to population growth, attractive poster offers and new advertising opportunities arising from the trend to digitization, but also thanks to poster advertising’s superior and proven sales effectiveness.
  • 77 percent of the population are favourably or very favourably disposed towards poster advertising.
  • 858 poster campaigns are surveyed for advertising effectiveness by the PPI (Poster Performance Index).
  • 460’000 is the number of contacts per week achieved by Switzerland’s best performing postersite – according to SPR+.

People are becoming increasingly mobile. Around 90% of all residents in Switzerland are out of home at least once a day. On a daily average, each person travels 36.8 kilometers and is on the road during 90.4 minutes - on the way to work, school, shopping or leisure activities. The classic and digital out of home media benefit from this: poster, MegaPoster, transport advertising and much more.

Daily mobility per personDaily distanceDaily travel time 2
by means of transport 1 in km in % in min. in %
Total 36,8 100 82,2 100
Car 23,8 64 33,9 41
Motorbike 0,4 0,8 
Train 7,5 20 6,7 8
By foot 1,9 5 29,8 36
Bus/tram/postbus 1,5 4 4,9 6
Bicycle 0,8 2 4,0 5
Others 3 0,7 2 1,8 2

1 Average of all weekdays and respondents (Basis = 57 090 persons aged 6 years and over)
2 Without waiting and transfer times

3 Taxi, coach, truck, ship, plane, cableway, cog railway, devices similar to vehicles, others
Source: Federal Statistical Office, population's travel behavior, results of micro census mobility and traffic 2015, www.statistik.admin.ch

Switzerland is a land of posters Thanks to the high quality standards and extremely good value for money it offers, out-of-home advertising has progressed extremely well in terms of its sales figures. With its high proportion of total advertising spending, out-of-home advertising has reached the top spot worldwide.

Net sales comparison Switzerland
Classic Media 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 201520162017
Print 2'001 2'004 1'783 1'615 1'536 1'436 1'264
1'117 1'009 924 727
TV 669 745 726
772 756
704 616
Radio 135 139 147 157 150 152 159 151 144 144 105
Outdoor advertising 370 403 423 422 433
449 452
484 373
Total 3'175 3'291 3'079 2'943 2'891 2'793 2'663 2'4942'381 2'256 1'821

Source: Stiftung Werbestatistik Schweiz